I greatly apologize for the long wait since last post. I had to await the Forum's approval before I could continue posting. Luckily, I was able to convince them that posting in this blog would be anonymous enough that no one could be identified and fantastic enough that most readers will not believe a word I say.
You should believe what I say, though, because it is true.
I have gotten some mail from readers, and the big question several people are asking is what kind of equipment I use. To quote one email: "Do you have a hunting kit and if so whats in it?"
I do have a hunting kit. I don't use everything in it all the time, but it has the general essentials for any given situation.

This is my hunting kit. The case is stainless steel and aluminum. There is nothing inherently special about the box other than the fact that it has a lock on it.
Everything in this kit has a very specific purpose. I will explain the purpose of all of these items in future posts, so stay tuned.

First, the left set of drawers. These are things I often take with me on patrol. In the top drawer I have a belt with several bottles of holy water.
In the second drawer I have spare bottles of holy water (usually between 20 and 30, but I was running low when I took this picture) and several bottles of holy oil.
The third drawer contains a silver chain and a boxcutter.
The right set of drawers is for things I do not often take with me on patrol but are necessities of any good vampire kit.
The first drawer has a bag of sea salt. Very good to have in a home!
The second drawer contains four silver nails and a red marker. The red marker is important!
The third drawer contains my personal bible, given to me by my father. It is battered from use, not from neglect.
Inside the box I have most of my ready stakes. I usually try to keep well-stocked: two cap stakes, four arc stakes and a throwing stake. I will go into further details about the difference between these in a future post.
I also keep two large vials (usually to store holy water), a crucifix, and an axe in my kit. Why an axe? You never know when you'll need an axe.
Also in my kit I have a vintage silver-plated razor. I have only carried this with me on patrol once, because I am so afraid I will mess it up. This was a gift to me from another hunter.
I also have a needle, filled with enough tranquilizers to kill a human being. I hope I never have to use this. Ever.
So there you have it. There's my kit. Like I said before, I am going to go into further details about all of these things in later posts. See you then!